Ramblings of a diluted youth

Saturday, August 16, 2008:

The fountain of youth- Music Fests.
I spent a day at a music festival recently and discovered this is a really good way to feel youthful again. Don't get me wrong- I am not pushing 80 and needing to reconnect to my distant past, I know I am not the demographic targeted by the new music movement. And that's okay.

What I want to say is that if ever you feel like you are "old" and getting tired get a ticket to the next big music tour drifting through your town. In my case it was the Vans Warped Tour 2008 Here's what:

1) Fashion- look around at the kids of today and they'll tell you what is "in". At a music festival with the number of bands that Warped Tour brings, you get to see a pretty large and diverse sampling. At no point would I suggest you run right out and replace your wardrobe- because honestly that would just end up looking silly in most cases. But it can help you understand how much things have changed or maybe how some styles have come back around. It can be eye-opening and refreshing.
You will see styles that makes you fear for the future, but there will also be some taste and pride on display which will give you hope. And if you look back, I am sure you will remember with a cringe a period of clothing you went through that is best left forgotten. Keep that in mind before you judge.

2) The different tags placed on different groups and differnt slang. I am pretty sure Jock is still around, but take a listen to some of the contests and merchant sellers as the try to attract the other groups. Or ask the kids- even your kids - who listens to what music. You will hear some tags like EMO, SCREAMO and even NerdCore. Walk from one stage to the other and you begin to see how these musical tags can play out among the crowd. Again just ask or listen, it can be refreshing.

3) The concert experience. How can you not feel younger and more energetic than if you spend time in the crowd as they listen to the new hot band? The jumping, fist pumping and hands in the air excitement with each song. The surge as the crowd moves back and forth with the beat. The collective singing of the chorus.

So there you have it- music fests are the new fountain of youth. All energy and fun, so go out and experience one today.

Alyx // 6:04 PM


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